Body Bags for animals destined to return to hydrocarbons

I’m working on a show opening at bitforms on Jan 10, some of it from Necrocracy at Diverseworks, and a bit of new work as well also re-approaching our relations with petrochemicals.

The new pieces are animal body bags, made of Tyvek and printed in solvent ink, with folk-art style patterns that upturn, implode, decroate with the drawings I did for the Petroleum Manga – objects of various petrochemical outputs. A dizzying “Latour litany” / ontographic approach with which I feel so… synchronized. The idea is that the bags will get stuffed with petrochemical flotsam,  plastics slated for recycling, left behind, or bound quickly for the trash bin.

Here are a couple of photos of work in progress:

Antonius Wiriadjaja working on constructing a Body Bag for Dogs (Polyethylene Terephthalate / PET)

Here are the drawings for the creatures so far:



Here is a Body Bag for Cats, unzipped and filled with polyurethane pellets.