Squirrel tourism

My first red squirrel today – actually 2 of them. Not a hard find- there is a very nice, very fancy, very comfortable, and very well-stocked wildlife hide set up in Kielder Water, at Leaplish. It’s rather National Geographic- except with no effort to conceal the lure of an arsenal of feeding stations, in all of which the reds were happy to partake.

The Leaplish Squirrel Hide
The Leaplish Squirrel Hide

Those  flirty, spoiled little bastards, I kept thinking; they run in, snack it up, run out, scamper off, run back in, snack… & cet. After an hour, the pair conceded to frolic round their proper feeding box. And gambol they did.

I missed the first shot:  the distended, carved wooden red squirrel effigy you can see along the path (above photo), with its spry referent in sight (which had fled by the time I snapped the photo).

It was raining when I got to the hide, so I had the place to myself. It was a shady wonderland; then the sun came out; then the squirrel fans came. Reverentially. With huge whispered sighs and wide eyes. It’s amazing what we are willing to look through, in order to experience nature (me too!). But I’m through blocking the intercessions. In this case, one couldn’t – these reds are on welfare assistance, propped up in a managed forest (their last stronghold), essentially a timber concern full of caravans, water skiing lessons and motor boats.

The Main Feeder
The Main Feeder

Lest I mislead with my semi-acrid tone, it was a thrill. They’re as cute as their pictures: petite, scampering, with  ginger coats, tufty ear extensions, alert expressions, and compact physiques. I’m charmed, and querulous.

A bird feeder
A bird feeder

Christopher Smart

Fashion swings this way and that, with regard to the construction of nature on offer – its pendulum swung farther towards novel or traditional.  Currently, the  tastemakers want indigenous, and are beginning to pay well for green (privileged locavores and nationalized tree planting subsidizers, to name two user groups willing to cough up the surcharge).

I found this quote from Christopher Smart in Keith Thomas’ Man and the Natural World: Changing Attitudes in England 1500-1800:

“I pray God for the introduction of new creatures into this island,” Christopher Smart would sing, “For I pray God for the ostriches of Salisbury plain. the beavers of the Medway and silver fish of Thames.”

(from Jubilate Agno)

England poised for further invasion!!

It’s a fever.. of xenophobia:

An army of foreign mammals, birds and amphibians is poised to invade Britain – changing the countryside and threatening our best-loved native wildlife, scientists warn.

They have identified 84 exotic species – from the raccoon to the snapping turtle – which could become established within the next few decades.

Some, like the leopard cat, could escape from zoos or private collections, while others, such as the eagle owl, are already living in isolated pockets of the countryside.

from the “Raccoons and Snapping Turtle Join  the Foreign Threat to our Native Wildlife,” Daily Mail, May 2009


the operative word is could

A flower clock

NY Time’ guest columnist  Leon Kreitzman writing for Olivia Judson’s The Wild Side, wrote in April about bees’ ability to tell the time of day and harvest pollen accordingly

In “Philosophia Botanica” (1751), the great taxonomist Carl Linnaeus proposed that it should be possible to plant a floral clock. He noted that two species of daisy, the hawk’s-beard and the hawkbit, opened and closed at their respective times within about a half-hour each day. He suggested planting these daisies along with St. John’s Wort, marigolds, water-lilies and other species in a circle. The rhythmic opening and closing of the plants would be the effective hands of this clock.

Here‘s a suggested collection of plants to use, which would open in sequence over time.

Horologium Flore, via Whispering Crane Institute
Horologium Flore, via Whispering Crane Institute

I’m staying at the sculptor Julia Barton‘s beautiful house in a hamlet called Donkleywood in Northumberland National Park, surrounded by sheep fields. It’s raining out, and her garden is sparkling. Swallows are absailing in and out of the eaves.

Julia Bartons garden
Julia Barton's garden

A grey defends his rights in britain

There aren’t many sites in defense of the grey squirrel. Here’s one written in the first person, with some good arguments on defining “nativeness:”



Key points at a glance

1. “Nativeness” is based on political boundaries rather than sensible concepts of the range of a species, or the birthplace of individuals

2. Evidence to support the “nativeness” of red squirrels in the north of the UK is extremely low

3. Humans are part of the environment, and therefore as legitimate a means of transporting species as any other natural means

4. Most Red Squirrels currently in the UK are also “aliens” by conservationists criteria. They were imported from Scandinavia to replenish numbers.

…and if you’re feeling feisty (and up for a clubbing yourself) you can buy one of their advocacy brollies in Professor Acorn’s shop.  Between fights, your head’ll be protected from the shit of the songbirds that the greys might’ve missed.

save the grey.
save the grey.