Mesocosm (Northumberland UK), NEW almost-final work
OK I just updated the page and files.
This is the latest, almost done.
The brilliant Veronique Brossier is working with me to create all the new code for this new piece I began in 09/09 at Eyebeam, and it’s in great shape.
Check out the work in progress here. It’ll probably take a while to load.
Mesocosm Prints (in progress)
I am working on large format archival prints this summer/fall from the behemoth formerly known as The Friend Feeder, now to be titled Mesocosm (Northumberland). Thanks Timothy Morton for introducing me to the term. Morton, ‘dark ecologist’ looking at literature, ambient poetics, ecocriticism (and more), authored two texts I find really clarifying and expansive: the book Ecology without Nature , and an amazing essay, Queer Ecology. He also keeps two blogs:
portraits/ Bovidae
portraits / Tetraodontidae