March 14, 2018

Oceans Like Us / concepts

The ocean as a heterotopia
Plankton dust
The qualities of water
Broken world broken stuff
Gag ordered scientists
Amphibious diving vehicles for corporate use only
Dredges and diggers
Wet synanthropes
Death of a thousand signing animals (right whale epitaphs)
Whale vomiting plastic bags
People reefs  (ref Jason Decares Taylor statues)
Ghost nets
Plastic pollution
Plastic dancing with humans, humans and plastic in deep sexual embraces
Plastic sex toys in fish mouths
Plastic in translucent whales and fish
Humbacter (human bacteria hybrids)
Hydrocarbon dreaming (new hybrids and up cycled conveyances)
Bottles playing in the shallows (Japanese Tsukumogami)

Sketch drawings and notes: