I am looking for sample language to compose #MSU demands. What is the formal rhetorical style? What is the format? Is it like this?
Unions for All means doing four things:
- Bring employers, workers and government together at industry-wide bargaining tables to negotiate wages, benefits, and working conditions.
- Establish the National Labor Relations Act as the floor rather than the ceiling for laws governing worker organizing, allowing states and cities to empower workers to join together in a union beyond the limits of federal law.
- Ensure that every public dollar is used to create good, union jobs and that every federal worker and contractor makes at least $15 an hour and has the opportunity to join a union.
- Put good union jobs at the center of any major economic proposal, such as Healthcare for All or the Green New Deal.
Just transition language:
(Just Transition Center report): At its heart just transition requires us to leave no one behind.
– For coal and oil communities, community renewal with investment in new energy, new industries and new jobs is vital.
– For cities, investment in low and zero emissions transport, clean energy and circular economy are the way forward.
– For industry, switching to renewable energy must be supplemented with clean industrial processes.
– For workers, collective bargaining ensures that essential support is there for reskilling and redeployment.
– And, for governments and their leaders, just transition offers the opportunity to solve three key challenges at once: Climate change, growing inequality and social inclusion.
It would also be great to create our own map like this one: