6,000 meters below the ocean surface, a human would experience crushing pressure, freezing temperatures, and total darkness. But other beings thrive in the Abyssal Zone; at 300,000,000 square km, it is the largest environment for earth life. Coral reefs, squid, sea spiders thrive; many are transparent, luminescent, lit from within. Minerals ooze out of hydrothermal vents that connect saltwater to gas to the earth’s core. We explore these spaces with sensors and remote-operated vehicles.
OOzy #3: just because you can’t swim in it doesn’t mean it isn’t there invites vision-centric humans to dream of the deepest parts of the ocean, to figure and protect these deep ocean scapes as a still-unknown, critical, and lively component of our planetary systems.

OOzy #3: just because you can’t swim in it doesn’t mean it isn’t there production stills, 2022