Calling all Life Coaches! Looking for hospice workers for the human species. Applicants must submit brief (under 1 page) essay on why s/he feels qualified for the job. Modest pay.
I adopted some trash cans at the new Creative Capital offices, to help them raise money. This entitled my supported objects to some plaques. Here they are:
an article on protests in response to the pending Cap and Trade Bill. Uh, what’s wrong with this picture? This was the first of a series of about 20 rallies planned for Southern and oil-producing states to organize resistance to proposed legislation that would set a limit on emissions of heat-trapping gases, requiring many companies…
…from an article in the NY Times today about a pro-oil, anti Cap n Trade Bill rally in Houston : A public relations company hired by a pro-coal industry group, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, recently sent at least 58 fake letters opposing new climate laws to members of Congress. The letters, forged…
Dear President Obama, I just finished reading Elizabeth Kolbert’s article in June 29 2009 issue of The New Yorker called “The Catastrophist,” a profile of climatologist James Hansen. I have thought many times about how to compose any kind of letter that would at least have meaning to me, if not to the administration, but…