Elixir I – IV


Series of four works
(4) 5:00 minute loops
Editions of 7
Animation, sound/silent
Format: Dimensions variable; custom framed 24″ monitor with MPlayer, or MPlayer only for 1920×1080 projection or monitor

Production Stills Installation views from Bryce Wolkoitz Gallery, New York, 2009 Installation views of Elixir I and IV, Feldman Gallery, Portland Oregon, 2009 The Elixir pieces describe impossible landscapes: cut-crystal bottles bob and toss like buoys in the ocean, beacons bearing potions, poisons, messages, genies. Each bottle contains an animated figure engaged in a repeated,…


One Nature


In collaboraton with Katie Salen and Anfim Khanikov

A commission of the Public Art Network, for
Americans for the Arts Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada

Uniting the economies of abundance (sunlight) and scarcity (water), One Nature is a ceremonial instruction set for global strangers. An out-of-work Russian ice sculptor wheels a hand-carved, miniature, iceberg landscape on a room service cart through the crowded Las Vegas strip. Accompanied by two formal waiters, the trio offers participants a chance to pick their…


The Poster Children / Heroes of the Revolution


Series of 2 works
Animation, (4) 22″ monitors, (2) custom PCs, custom housing
78″ x 14″ x 6″
(Poster Children) 9 minute loop, silent
(Heroes of the Revolution) 3’30”, silent
Editions of 5

The Poster Children and its remix, Heroes of the Revolution are part of a series of animated paintings whose themes circulate around apocalyptic fantasies of the deluge and climate change, of water, ice, animals, and people. Writing Essays in The Scholar & Feminist “Gender on Ice” (Barnard College, 2008):Un-Performing Zoögeopathology, Una Chaudhuri(2009)