Animal Avatars


11″ x 17″ archival pigment prints on Moab Entrada, and Facebook icons


Weights + Measures


Animation, 15″ monitor, custom PC, custom housing
2’44”, silent
Edition of 5

Airplanes, elephants, and plankton – three beautiful “machines.” Weights + Measures compares proverbial apples and oranges, in order to probe a system of relative values. Take any two of the three creatures in the system: in water, airplanes sink while elephants swim. Elephants and airplanes both release methane, and both have been instruments of transport and war….


Nicking the Never

2004, 2007

7-channel installation
animation, DVD and quicktime, sound

Music: Lem Jay Ignacio
Technology: Julian Bleecker
Installation Design (The Kitchen): Palmer Moss & Marina Zurkow
Title Design: Nancy Nowacek

Nicking The Never is a project of Creative Capital, with generous support from Creative Capital, The Jerome Foundation, and The Media Arts Fellowship (supported By The Rockefeller Foundation).

Nicking the Never is a multi-linear installation that incorporates screen-based animated narratives into a sculptural interface. Composed of allegories about a young girl stuck in a kinetic world of emotional pitfalls, this kaleidoscopic trip into the states of selfhood bases its structure in the Tibetan Buddhist Wheel of Existence, whose images luridly and vividly describe…